
class sbpy.photometry.DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc(*args, radius=None, wfb=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: Fittable1DModel

Base class for disk-integrated phase function model


Define a linear phase function with phase slope 0.04 mag/deg, and study its properties:

>>> # Define a disk-integrated phase function model
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from astropy.modeling import Parameter
>>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd
>>> from sbpy.photometry import DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc
>>> class LinearPhaseFunc(DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc):
...     _unit = 'mag'
...     H = Parameter()
...     S = Parameter()
...     @staticmethod
...     def evaluate(a, H, S):
...         return H + S * a
>>> linear_phasefunc = LinearPhaseFunc(5 * u.mag, 0.04 * u.mag/u.deg,
...     radius = 300 * u.km, wfb = 'V')
>>> pha = np.linspace(0, 180, 200) * u.deg
>>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}):
...     mag = linear_phasefunc.to_mag(pha)
...     ref = linear_phasefunc.to_ref(pha)
...     geomalb = linear_phasefunc.geomalb
...     phaseint = linear_phasefunc.phaseint
...     bondalb = linear_phasefunc.bondalb
>>> print('Geometric albedo is {0:.3}'.format(geomalb))
Geometric albedo is 0.0487
>>> print('Bond albedo is {0:.3}'.format(bondalb))
Bond albedo is 0.0179
>>> print('Phase integral is {0:.3}'.format(phaseint))
Phase integral is 0.367

Initialization with subclass of DataClass:

The subclassed models can either be initialized by model parameters, or by subclass of DataClass. Below example uses the HG model class.

>>> from sbpy.photometry import HG
>>> from sbpy.data import Phys, Orbit, Ephem
>>> # Initialize from physical parameters pulled from JPL SBDB
>>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('Ceres')       
>>> print(phys['targetname','H','G'])    
<QTable length=1>
    targetname       H       G
      str17       float64 float64
----------------- ------- -------
1 Ceres (A801 AA)    3.31    0.12
>>> m = HG.from_phys(phys)                  
INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core]
>>> print(m)                             
Model: HG
Inputs: ('x',)
Outputs: ('y',)
Model set size: 1
     H     G
    ---- ----
    3.31 0.12
>>> print(m.meta['targetname'])          
1 Ceres (A801 AA)
>>> print(m.radius)                      
469.7 km
>>> # Initialize from orbital elements pulled from JPL Horizons that also
>>> # contain the H and G parameters
>>> elem = Orbit.from_horizons('Ceres')  
>>> print(elem['targetname','H','G'])    
<QTable length=1>
    targetname       H       G
      str17       float64 float64
----------------- ------- -------
1 Ceres (A801 AA)    3.33    0.12
>>> m = HG.from_phys(elem)                    
INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core]
>>> # Failed initialization due to the lack of field 'G'
>>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('12893')       
>>> print('G' in phys.field_names)      
>>> m = HG(data=phys)                    
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'field G not available.'

Initialize DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc

radiusastropy.units.Quantity, optional

Radius of object. Required if conversion between magnitude and reflectance is involved.

wfbQuantity, SpectralElement, string

Wavelengths, frequencies, or bandpasses. Bandpasses may be a filter name (string). Required if conversion between magnitude and reflectance is involved.

**kwargsoptional parameters accepted by


Attributes Summary


Bond albedo


Geometric albedo




Phase integral

Methods Summary

from_obs(obs, fitter[, fields, init])

Instantiate a photometric model class object from data

from_phys(phys, **kwargs)

Initialize an object from Phys object

to_mag(eph[, unit, append_results])

Calculate phase function in magnitude


Wrap the model into a sbpy.data.Phys object

to_ref(eph[, normalized, append_results])

Calculate phase function in average bidirectional reflectance

Attributes Documentation


Bond albedo


Geometric albedo

input_units = {'x': Unit("rad")}
input_units_allow_dimensionless = {'x': True}

Phase integral

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_obs(obs, fitter, fields='mag', init=None, **kwargs)[source]

Instantiate a photometric model class object from data

obsDataClass, dict_like

If DataClass or dict_like, must contain 'phaseangle' or the equivalent names (see DataClass). If any distance (heliocentric and geocentric) is provided, then they will be used to correct magnitude to 1 au before fitting.


The fitter to be used for fitting.

fieldsstr or array_like of str

The field name or names in obs to be fitted. If an array_like str, then multiple fields will be fitted one by one and a model set will be returned. In this case, .meta['fields'] of the returned object contains the names of fields fitted.

initnumpy array, Quantity, optional

The initial parameters for model fitting. Its first dimension has the length of the model parameters, and its second dimension has the length of n_model if multiple models are fitted.

**kwargsoptional parameters accepted by fitter().

Note that the magnitude uncertainty can also be supplied to the fit via weights keyword for all fitters provided by fitting.

Object of DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc subclass

The best-fit model class object.


>>> from sbpy.photometry import HG 
>>> from sbpy.data import Misc 
>>> from astropy.modeling.fitting import SLSQPLSQFitter
>>> fitter = SLSQPLSQFitter()
>>> obs = Misc.mpc_observations('Bennu') 
>>> hg = HG() 
>>> best_hg = hg.from_obs(obs, eph['mag'], fitter) 
classmethod from_phys(phys, **kwargs)[source]

Initialize an object from Phys object


Contains the parameters needed to initialize the model class object. If the required field is not found, then an KeyError exception will be thrown.

**kwargsoptional parameters accepted by


Object of DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc subclass

The phase function model object


Initialization with Phys. This example uses the HG model class.

>>> from sbpy.photometry import HG
>>> from sbpy.data import Phys
>>> # Initialize from physical parameters pulled from JPL SBDB
>>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('Ceres')      
>>> print(phys['targetname','H','G'])   
<QTable length=1>
    targetname       H       G
      str17       float64 float64
----------------- ------- -------
1 Ceres (A801 AA)    3.31    0.12
>>> m = HG.from_phys(phys)              
INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core]
>>> print(m)                            
Model: HG
Inputs: ('x',)
Outputs: ('y',)
Model set size: 1
     H     G
    ---- ----
    3.31 0.12
>>> print(m.meta['targetname'])         
1 Ceres (A801 AA)
>>> print(m.radius)                     
469.7 km
>>> # Failed initialization due to the lack of field 'G'
>>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('12893')      
>>> print('G' in phys.field_names)      
>>> m = HG.from_phys(phys)              
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
KeyError: 'field G not available.'
to_mag(eph, unit=None, append_results=False, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate phase function in magnitude

ephEphem, numbers, iterables of numbers, or

Quantity If Ephem or dict_like, ephemerides of the object that can include phase angle, heliocentric and geocentric distances via keywords phase, r and delta. If float or array_like, then the phase angle of object. If any distance (heliocentric and geocentric) is not provided, then it will be assumed to be 1 au. If no unit is provided via type Quantity, then radians is assumed for phase angle, and au is assumed for distances.

unitastropy.units.mag, astropy.units.MagUnit, optional

The unit of output magnitude. The corresponding solar magnitude must be available either through sun module or set by set.

append_resultsbool, optional

Controls the return of this method.

**kwargsoptional parameters accepted by


Quantity, array if append_results == False
Ephem if append_results == True
When append_results == False: The calculated magnitude will be
When append_results == True: If eph is a Ephem
object, then the calculated magnitude will be appended to eph as
a new column. Otherwise a new Ephem object is created to
contain the input eph and the calculated magnitude in two columns.


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from sbpy.photometry import HG
>>> from sbpy.data import Ephem
>>> ceres_hg = HG(3.34 * u.mag, 0.12)
>>> # parameter `eph` as `~sbpy.data.Ephem` type
>>> eph = Ephem.from_dict({'alpha': np.linspace(
...                                     0, np.pi * 0.9, 200) * u.rad,
...                        'r': np.repeat(2.7 * u.au, 200),
...                        'delta': np.repeat(1.8 * u.au, 200)})
>>> mag1 = ceres_hg.to_mag(eph)
>>> # parameter `eph` as numpy array
>>> pha = np.linspace(0, 170, 200) * u.deg
>>> mag2 = ceres_hg.to_mag(pha)

Wrap the model into a sbpy.data.Phys object

Phys object


>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd
>>> from sbpy.photometry import HG
>>> from sbpy.data import Phys
>>> # Initialize from physical parameters pulled from JPL SBDB
>>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('Ceres')             
>>> print(phys['targetname','radius','H','G']) 
<QTable length=1>
    targetname     radius    H       G
                     km     mag
      str17       float64 float64 float64
----------------- ------- ------- -------
1 Ceres (A801 AA)   469.7    3.31    0.12
>>> m = HG.from_phys(phys)   
INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core]
>>> m.wfb = 'V'              
>>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}):
...     p = m.to_phys()      
>>> print(type(p))           
<class 'sbpy.data.phys.Phys'>
>>> p.table.pprint(max_width=-1)  
    targetname    diameter  H    G            pv                  A
                     km    mag
----------------- -------- ---- ---- ------------------- --------------------
1 Ceres (A801 AA)    939.4 3.31 0.12 0.07624470768627523 0.027779803126557152
to_ref(eph, normalized=None, append_results=False, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate phase function in average bidirectional reflectance

ephEphem, numbers, iterables of numbers, or

Quantity If Ephem or dict_like, ephemerides of the object that can include phase angle, heliocentric and geocentric distances via keywords phase, r and delta. If float or array_like, then the phase angle of object. If any distance (heliocentric and geocentric) is not provided, then it will be assumed to be 1 au. If no unit is provided via type Quantity, then radians is assumed for phase angle, and au is assumed for distances.

normalizednumber, Quantity

The angle to which the reflectance is normalized.


Controls the return of this method.

**kwargsoptional parameters accepted by


Quantity, array if append_results == False
Ephem if append_results == True
When append_results == False: The calculated reflectance will be
When append_results == True: If eph is a Ephem
object, then the calculated reflectance will be appended to eph as
a new column. Otherwise a new Ephem object is created to
contain the input eph and the calculated reflectance in two


>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd
>>> from sbpy.photometry import HG
>>> from sbpy.data import Ephem
>>> ceres_hg = HG(3.34 * u.mag, 0.12, radius = 480 * u.km, wfb= 'V')
>>> # parameter `eph` as `~sbpy.data.Ephem` type
>>> eph = Ephem.from_dict({'alpha': np.linspace(
...                                     0, np.pi * 0.9, 200) * u.rad,
...                        'r': np.repeat(2.7 * u.au, 200),
...                        'delta': np.repeat(1.8 * u.au, 200)})
>>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}):
...     ref1 = ceres_hg.to_ref(eph)
...     # parameter `eph` as numpy array
...     pha = np.linspace(0, 170, 200) * u.deg
...     ref2 = ceres_hg.to_ref(pha)