Source code for sbpy.photometry.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
sbpy Photometry Module

created on June 23, 2017


__all__ = ['DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc', 'LinearPhaseFunc',

__doctest_requires__ = {
     ): ["scipy"],
    ("DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc.from_phys", "DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc.to_phys"): ["astroquery"],

from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

    from scipy.integrate import quad
except ImportError:
    quad = None

from astropy.modeling import (Fittable1DModel, Parameter)
import astropy.units as u
from astropy import log
from import (Phys, Obs, Ephem, dataclass_input,
from ..units import reflectance
from ..exceptions import SbpyWarning
from ..utils.decorators import requires

[docs] class InvalidPhaseFunctionWarning(SbpyWarning): pass
[docs] class DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc(Fittable1DModel): """Base class for disk-integrated phase function model Examples -------- Define a linear phase function with phase slope 0.04 mag/deg, and study its properties: >>> # Define a disk-integrated phase function model >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from astropy.modeling import Parameter >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc >>> >>> class LinearPhaseFunc(DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc): ... ... _unit = 'mag' ... H = Parameter() ... S = Parameter() ... ... @staticmethod ... def evaluate(a, H, S): ... return H + S * a ... >>> linear_phasefunc = LinearPhaseFunc(5 * u.mag, 0.04 * u.mag/u.deg, ... radius = 300 *, wfb = 'V') >>> pha = np.linspace(0, 180, 200) * u.deg >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... mag = linear_phasefunc.to_mag(pha) ... ref = linear_phasefunc.to_ref(pha) ... geomalb = linear_phasefunc.geomalb ... phaseint = linear_phasefunc.phaseint ... bondalb = linear_phasefunc.bondalb >>> print('Geometric albedo is {0:.3}'.format(geomalb)) Geometric albedo is 0.0487 >>> print('Bond albedo is {0:.3}'.format(bondalb)) Bond albedo is 0.0179 >>> print('Phase integral is {0:.3}'.format(phaseint)) Phase integral is 0.367 Initialization with subclass of ``: The subclassed models can either be initialized by model parameters, or by subclass of ``. Below example uses the `HG` model class. >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG >>> from import Phys, Orbit, Ephem >>> >>> # Initialize from physical parameters pulled from JPL SBDB >>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('Ceres') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print(phys['targetname','H','G']) # doctest: +SKIP <QTable length=1> targetname H G mag str17 float64 float64 ----------------- ------- ------- 1 Ceres (A801 AA) 3.31 0.12 >>> m = HG.from_phys(phys) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core] >>> print(m) # doctest: +SKIP Model: HG Inputs: ('x',) Outputs: ('y',) Model set size: 1 Parameters: H G mag ---- ---- 3.31 0.12 >>> print(m.meta['targetname']) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA 1 Ceres (A801 AA) >>> print(m.radius) # doctest: +SKIP 469.7 km >>> >>> # Initialize from orbital elements pulled from JPL Horizons that also >>> # contain the H and G parameters >>> elem = Orbit.from_horizons('Ceres') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print(elem['targetname','H','G']) # doctest: +SKIP <QTable length=1> targetname H G mag str17 float64 float64 ----------------- ------- ------- 1 Ceres (A801 AA) 3.33 0.12 >>> m = HG.from_phys(elem) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core] >>> >>> # Failed initialization due to the lack of field 'G' >>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('12893') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print('G' in phys.field_names) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA False >>> m = HG(data=phys) # doctest: +SKIP Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 'field G not available.' """ # Some phase function models are defined in magnitude space, such as the # IAU H, G system. Some phase function models are defined in reflectance # space, such as the disk-integrated phase function of the Hapke model. # _unit defines which unit the model is defined in. _unit = None # The default unit for model input when the model is dimensional input_units = {'x': u.rad} # Whether or not the model input is allowed to be dimensionless input_units_allow_dimensionless = {'x': True} @u.quantity_input( def __init__(self, *args, radius=None, wfb=None, **kwargs): """Initialize DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc Parameters ---------- radius : astropy.units.Quantity, optional Radius of object. Required if conversion between magnitude and reflectance is involved. wfb : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~synphot.SpectralElement`, string Wavelengths, frequencies, or bandpasses. Bandpasses may be a filter name (string). Required if conversion between magnitude and reflectance is involved. **kwargs : optional parameters accepted by `astropy.modeling.Model.__init__()` """ super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.radius = radius self.wfb = wfb def _check_unit(self): if self._unit is None: raise ValueError('the unit of phase function is unknown') @property def geomalb(self): """Geometric albedo""" alb = np.pi*self.to_ref(0.*u.rad) if hasattr(alb, 'unit') and (alb.unit == 1/ alb = alb* return alb @property def bondalb(self): """Bond albedo""" return self.geomalb*self.phaseint @property def phaseint(self): """Phase integral""" return self._phase_integral()
[docs] @classmethod def from_phys(cls, phys, **kwargs): """Initialize an object from `` object Parameters ---------- phys : `` Contains the parameters needed to initialize the model class object. If the required field is not found, then an `KeyError` exception will be thrown. **kwargs : optional parameters accepted by `astropy.modeling.Model.__init__()` Returns ------- Object of `DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc` subclass The phase function model object Examples -------- Initialization with ``. This example uses the `HG` model class. >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG >>> from import Phys >>> >>> # Initialize from physical parameters pulled from JPL SBDB >>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('Ceres') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print(phys['targetname','H','G']) # doctest: +SKIP <QTable length=1> targetname H G mag str17 float64 float64 ----------------- ------- ------- 1 Ceres (A801 AA) 3.31 0.12 >>> m = HG.from_phys(phys) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core] >>> print(m) # doctest: +SKIP Model: HG Inputs: ('x',) Outputs: ('y',) Model set size: 1 Parameters: H G mag ---- ---- 3.31 0.12 >>> print(m.meta['targetname']) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA 1 Ceres (A801 AA) >>> print(m.radius) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA 469.7 km >>> >>> # Failed initialization due to the lack of field 'G' >>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('12893') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print('G' in phys.field_names) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA False >>> m = HG.from_phys(phys) # doctest: +SKIP Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> KeyError: 'field G not available.' """ par = {} valid = np.ones(len(phys), dtype=bool) for p in cls.param_names: par[p] = phys[p] valid = valid & np.isfinite(par[p]) if valid.any(): valid = list(valid).index(True) for p in cls.param_names: par[p] = par[p][valid] meta = kwargs.pop('meta', OrderedDict()) if 'targetname' in phys.field_names: meta.update({'targetname': phys['targetname'][valid]}) kwargs['meta'] = meta for p in cls.param_names: val = kwargs.pop(p, None) try: par['radius'] = phys['diameter'][valid]/2 except KeyError: pass if 'targetname' in meta.keys():"Model initialized for {}.".format( meta['targetname'])) else:"Model initialized.") kwargs.update(par) else: raise ValueError( 'no valid model parameters found in `data` keyword') out = cls(**kwargs) return out
[docs] def to_phys(self): """Wrap the model into a `` object Returns ------- `` object Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG >>> from import Phys >>> >>> # Initialize from physical parameters pulled from JPL SBDB >>> phys = Phys.from_sbdb('Ceres') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print(phys['targetname','radius','H','G']) # doctest: +SKIP <QTable length=1> targetname radius H G km mag str17 float64 float64 float64 ----------------- ------- ------- ------- 1 Ceres (A801 AA) 469.7 3.31 0.12 >>> m = HG.from_phys(phys) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA INFO: Model initialized for 1 Ceres (A801 AA). [sbpy.photometry.core] >>> m.wfb = 'V' # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... p = m.to_phys() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> print(type(p)) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA <class ''> >>> p.table.pprint(max_width=-1) # doctest: +SKIP targetname diameter H G pv A km mag ----------------- -------- ---- ---- ------------------- -------------------- 1 Ceres (A801 AA) 939.4 3.31 0.12 0.07624470768627523 0.027779803126557152 """ # noqa: E501 cols = {} if (self.meta is not None) and ('targetname' in self.meta.keys()): val = self.meta['targetname'] if isinstance(val, str): val = [val] cols['targetname'] = val if self.radius is not None: cols['diameter'] = self.radius * 2 for p in self.param_names: val = getattr(self, p) if val.quantity is None: cols[p] = val.value else: cols[p] = val.quantity try: cols['pv'] = self.geomalb cols['A'] = self.bondalb except ValueError: pass return Phys.from_dict(cols)
[docs] @classmethod @dataclass_input(obs=Obs) def from_obs(cls, obs, fitter, fields='mag', init=None, **kwargs): """Instantiate a photometric model class object from data Parameters ---------- obs : ``, dict_like If `` or dict_like, must contain ``'phaseangle'`` or the equivalent names (see ``). If any distance (heliocentric and geocentric) is provided, then they will be used to correct magnitude to 1 au before fitting. fitter : `~astropy.modeling.fitting.Fitter` The fitter to be used for fitting. fields : str or array_like of str The field name or names in ``obs`` to be fitted. If an array_like str, then multiple fields will be fitted one by one and a model set will be returned. In this case, ``.meta['fields']`` of the returned object contains the names of fields fitted. init : numpy array, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The initial parameters for model fitting. Its first dimension has the length of the model parameters, and its second dimension has the length of ``n_model`` if multiple models are fitted. **kwargs : optional parameters accepted by `fitter()`. Note that the magnitude uncertainty can also be supplied to the fit via `weights` keyword for all fitters provided by `~astropy.modeling.fitting`. Returns ------- Object of `DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc` subclass The best-fit model class object. Examples -------- >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG # doctest: +SKIP >>> from import Misc # doctest: +SKIP >>> from astropy.modeling.fitting import SLSQPLSQFitter >>> fitter = SLSQPLSQFitter() >>> obs = Misc.mpc_observations('Bennu') # doctest: +SKIP >>> hg = HG() # doctest: +SKIP >>> best_hg = hg.from_obs(obs, eph['mag'], fitter) # doctest: +SKIP """ pha = obs['alpha'] if isinstance(fields, (str, bytes)): n_models = 1 else: n_models = len(fields) if init is not None: init = np.asanyarray(init) dist_corr = cls()._distance_module(obs) if n_models == 1: mag = obs[fields] if isinstance(mag, u.Quantity): dist_corr = u.Quantity(dist_corr).to(u.mag, u.logarithmic()) else: dist_corr = -2.5 * np.log10(dist_corr) mag0 = mag + dist_corr if init is None: m0 = cls() else: m0 = cls(*init) return fitter(m0, pha, mag0, **kwargs) else: if init is not None: sz1 = init.shape sz2 = len(cls.param_names), n_models if sz1 != sz2: raise ValueError('`init` must have a shape of ({}, {}),' ' shape {} is given.'.format(sz2[0], sz2[1], sz1)) par = np.zeros((len(cls.param_names), n_models)) for i in range(n_models): mag = obs[fields[i]] if isinstance(mag, u.Quantity): dist_corr1 = u.Quantity(dist_corr).to(u.mag, u.logarithmic()) else: dist_corr1 = -2.5 * np.log10(dist_corr) mag0 = mag + dist_corr1 if init is None: m0 = cls() else: m0 = cls(*init[:, i]) m = fitter(m0, pha, mag0, **kwargs) par[:, i] = m.parameters pars_list = [] for i, p_name in enumerate(cls.param_names): p = getattr(m, p_name) if p.unit is None: pars_list.append(par[i]) else: pars_list.append(par[i]*p.unit) model = cls(*pars_list, n_models=n_models) if not isinstance(model.meta, dict): model.meta = OrderedDict() model.meta['fields'] = fields return model
@dataclass_input(eph=Ephem) def _distance_module(self, eph): """Return the correction magnitude or factor for heliocentric distance and observer distance Parameters ---------- eph : any type If `` or dict_like, then the relevant fields, such as 'rh' and 'delta' or the equivalent will be searched and, if exist, used to calculate distance correction. If non-exist, then no correction will be included for the corresponding field. If no unit is provided via type `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then the distance is assumed to be in unit of au. For any other data type, a factor 1 or magnitude of 0 will be returned (implying no correction). Returns ------- float or numpy array Linear factors to be applied to flux to correct to heliocentric distance and observer distance of both 1 au. """ module = 1. try: rh = eph['r'] if isinstance(rh, u.Quantity): rh ='au').value module = module * rh * rh except (KeyError, TypeError): pass try: delta = eph['delta'] if isinstance(delta, u.Quantity): delta ='au').value module = module * delta * delta except (KeyError, TypeError): pass return np.asarray(module)
[docs] @quantity_to_dataclass(eph=(Ephem, 'alpha')) def to_mag(self, eph, unit=None, append_results=False, **kwargs): """Calculate phase function in magnitude Parameters ---------- eph : ``, numbers, iterables of numbers, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` If `` or dict_like, ephemerides of the object that can include phase angle, heliocentric and geocentric distances via keywords `phase`, `r` and `delta`. If float or array_like, then the phase angle of object. If any distance (heliocentric and geocentric) is not provided, then it will be assumed to be 1 au. If no unit is provided via type `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then radians is assumed for phase angle, and au is assumed for distances. unit : `astropy.units.mag`, `astropy.units.MagUnit`, optional The unit of output magnitude. The corresponding solar magnitude must be available either through `~sbpy.calib.sun` module or set by `~sbpy.calib.solar_fluxd.set`. append_results : bool, optional Controls the return of this method. **kwargs : optional parameters accepted by `astropy.modeling.Model.__call__` Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array if ``append_results == False`` `` if ``append_results == True`` When ``append_results == False``: The calculated magnitude will be returned. When ``append_results == True``: If ``eph`` is a `` object, then the calculated magnitude will be appended to ``eph`` as a new column. Otherwise a new `` object is created to contain the input ``eph`` and the calculated magnitude in two columns. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG >>> from import Ephem >>> ceres_hg = HG(3.34 * u.mag, 0.12) >>> # parameter `eph` as `` type >>> eph = Ephem.from_dict({'alpha': np.linspace( ... 0, np.pi * 0.9, 200) * u.rad, ... 'r': np.repeat(2.7 *, 200), ... 'delta': np.repeat(1.8 *, 200)}) >>> mag1 = ceres_hg.to_mag(eph) >>> # parameter `eph` as numpy array >>> pha = np.linspace(0, 170, 200) * u.deg >>> mag2 = ceres_hg.to_mag(pha) """ self._check_unit() pha = eph['alpha'] if len(pha) == 1: pha = pha[0] out = self(pha, **kwargs) if self._unit == 'ref': if unit is None: raise ValueError('Magnitude unit is not specified.') if self.radius is None: raise ValueError( 'Cannot calculate phase function in magnitude because the' ' size of object is unknown.') if self.wfb is None: raise ValueError('Wavelength/Frequency/Band is unknown.') out = unit, reflectance(self.wfb, cross_section=np.pi * self.radius**2) ) dist_corr = self._distance_module(eph) dist_corr = u.Quantity(dist_corr).to(u.mag, u.logarithmic()) out = out - dist_corr if append_results: name = 'mag' i = 1 while name in eph.field_names: name = 'mag'+str(i) i += 1 eph.apply(out, name=name) return eph else: return out
[docs] @quantity_to_dataclass(eph=(Ephem, 'alpha')) def to_ref(self, eph, normalized=None, append_results=False, **kwargs): """Calculate phase function in average bidirectional reflectance Parameters ---------- eph : ``, numbers, iterables of numbers, or `~astropy.units.Quantity` If `` or dict_like, ephemerides of the object that can include phase angle, heliocentric and geocentric distances via keywords `phase`, `r` and `delta`. If float or array_like, then the phase angle of object. If any distance (heliocentric and geocentric) is not provided, then it will be assumed to be 1 au. If no unit is provided via type `~astropy.units.Quantity`, then radians is assumed for phase angle, and au is assumed for distances. normalized : number, `~astropy.units.Quantity` The angle to which the reflectance is normalized. append_results : bool Controls the return of this method. **kwargs : optional parameters accepted by `astropy.modeling.Model.__call__` Returns ------- `~astropy.units.Quantity`, array if ``append_results == False`` `` if ``append_results == True`` When ``append_results == False``: The calculated reflectance will be returned. When ``append_results == True``: If ``eph`` is a `` object, then the calculated reflectance will be appended to ``eph`` as a new column. Otherwise a new `` object is created to contain the input ``eph`` and the calculated reflectance in two columns. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG >>> from import Ephem >>> ceres_hg = HG(3.34 * u.mag, 0.12, radius = 480 *, wfb= 'V') >>> # parameter `eph` as `` type >>> eph = Ephem.from_dict({'alpha': np.linspace( ... 0, np.pi * 0.9, 200) * u.rad, ... 'r': np.repeat(2.7 *, 200), ... 'delta': np.repeat(1.8 *, 200)}) >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... ref1 = ceres_hg.to_ref(eph) ... # parameter `eph` as numpy array ... pha = np.linspace(0, 170, 200) * u.deg ... ref2 = ceres_hg.to_ref(pha) """ self._check_unit() pha = eph['alpha'] if len(pha) == 1: pha = pha[0] out = self(pha, **kwargs) if normalized is not None: norm = self(normalized, **kwargs) if self._unit == 'ref': if normalized is not None: out /= norm else: if normalized is None: if self.radius is None: raise ValueError( 'Cannot calculate phase function in reflectance unit' ' because the size of object is unknown. Normalized' ' phase function can be calculated.') if self.wfb is None: raise ValueError('Wavelength/Frequency/Band is unknown.') out = '1/sr', reflectance(self.wfb, cross_section=np.pi*self.radius**2) ) else: out = out - norm out ='', u.logarithmic()) if append_results: name = 'ref' i = 1 while name in eph.field_names: name = 'ref'+str(i) i += 1 eph.apply(out, name=name) return eph else: return out
@requires("scipy") def _phase_integral(self, integrator=quad): """Calculate phase integral with numerical integration Parameters ---------- integrator : function, optional Numerical integrator, default is `~scipy.integrate.quad`. If caller supplies a numerical integrator, it must has the same return signature as `~scipy.integrator.quad`, i.e., a tuple of (y, ...), where `y` is the result of numerical integration Returns ------- Float, phase integral Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG >>> ceres_hg = HG(3.34 * u.mag, 0.12, radius = 480 *, wfb = 'V') >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... print('{0:.3}'.format(ceres_hg._phase_integral())) 0.364 """ def integrand(x): return 2*self.to_ref(x * u.rad, normalized=0. * u.rad) * \ np.sin(x * u.rad) return integrator(integrand, 0, np.pi)[0]
[docs] class LinearPhaseFunc(DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc): """Linear phase function model Examples -------- >>> # Define a linear phase function model with absolute magnitude >>> # H = 5 and slope = 0.04 mag/deg = 2.29 mag/rad >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import LinearPhaseFunc >>> >>> linear_phasefunc = LinearPhaseFunc(5 * u.mag, 0.04 * u.mag/u.deg, ... radius = 300 *, wfb = 'V') >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... pha = np.linspace(0, 180, 200) * u.deg ... mag = linear_phasefunc.to_mag(pha) ... ref = linear_phasefunc.to_ref(pha) ... geomalb = linear_phasefunc.geomalb ... phaseint = linear_phasefunc.phaseint ... bondalb = linear_phasefunc.bondalb >>> print('Geometric albedo is {0:.3}'.format(geomalb)) Geometric albedo is 0.0487 >>> print('Bond albedo is {0:.3}'.format(bondalb)) Bond albedo is 0.0179 >>> print('Phase integral is {0:.3}'.format(phaseint)) Phase integral is 0.367 """ _unit = 'mag' H = Parameter(description='Absolute magnitude') S = Parameter(description='Linear slope (mag/deg)') input_units = {'x': u.deg}
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(a, H, S): return H + S * a
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_deriv(a, H, S): if hasattr(a, '__iter__'): ddh = np.ones_like(a) else: ddh = 1. dds = a return [ddh, dds]
def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return OrderedDict([('H', outputs_unit['y']), ('S', outputs_unit['y']/inputs_unit['x'])])