Source code for sbpy.units.core

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""sbpy units core module

This package defines Vega-based magnitude systems, and a units
equivalency function for converting to/from flux density.

To use these units in the top-level `astropy.units` namespace::

    >>> import astropy.units as u
    >>> import sbpy.units
    >>> sbpy.units.enable()    # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT
    >>> u.Unit('mag(VEGA)')


__all__ = [

from warnings import warn
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.constants as const
from ..exceptions import SbpyWarning
from ..calib import (
    Vega, Sun, vega_fluxd, FilterLookupError, UndefinedSourceError
from .. import data as sbd
from ..spectroscopy.sources import SinglePointSpectrumError, SynphotRequired
from ..exceptions import OptionalPackageUnavailable, SbpyWarning

VEGA = u.def_unit(['VEGA', 'VEGAflux'],
                  doc='Spectral flux density of Vega.')

VEGAmag = u.MagUnit(VEGA)
VEGAmag.__doc__ = "Vega-based magnitude: Vega is 0 mag at all wavelengths"

JM = u.def_unit(['JM', 'JMflux'], represents=VEGA * 10**(0.4 * 0.03),
                doc=('Johnson-Morgan magnitude system flux density '
                     'zeropoint (Johnson et al 1966; Bessell & Murphy '

JMmag = u.MagUnit(JM)
JMmag.__doc__ = ("Johnson-Morgan magnitude system: Vega is 0.03 mag at "
                 "all wavelengths (Johnson et al 1966; Bessell & Murphy "

hundred_nm = u.def_unit('100 nm', represents=100 * u.nm,
                        doc=('Convenience unit for expressing spectral '

[docs]def enable(): """Enable `sbpy` units in the top-level `astropy.units` namespace. Allows the use in `~astropy.units.UnitBase.find_equivalent_units` and `~astropy.units.UnitBase.compose`. May be used with the ``with`` statement to enable them temporarily. """ import inspect return u.add_enabled_units(inspect.getmodule(enable))
[docs]def spectral_density_vega(wfb): """Flux density equivalencies with Vega-based magnitude systems. Uses the default `sbpy` Vega spectrum, or `~sbpy.calib.vega_fluxd`. Vega is assumed to have an apparent magnitude of 0 in the ``VEGAmag`` system, and 0.03 in the Johnson-Morgan, ``JMmag``, system [Joh66, BM12]_. Parameters ---------- wfb : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, `~synphot.SpectralElement`, string Wavelength, frequency, or a bandpass of the corresponding flux density being converted. See :func:`~synphot.SpectralElement.from_filter()` for possible bandpass names. Returns ------- equiv : list List of equivalencies. Examples -------- Monochromatic flux density: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.units import spectral_density_vega, VEGAmag >>> m = 0 * VEGAmag >>> fluxd =, spectral_density_vega(5557.5 * u.AA)) >>> print(fluxd) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 3544.75836649349 Jy Use your favorite bandpass and zeropoint (Willmer 2018): >>> from sbpy.calib import vega_fluxd >>> cal = {'SDSS_r': 3255 * u.Jy, 'SDSS_r_lambda_pivot': 0.6176 *} >>> with vega_fluxd.set(cal): ... fluxd =, spectral_density_vega('SDSS_r')) ... print(fluxd) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 3255.0 Jy Use your favorite bandpass and zeropoint (Willmer 2018): >>> from sbpy.calib import vega_fluxd >>> cal = {'SDSS_r': 3255 * u.Jy, 'SDSS_r_lambda_pivot': 0.6176 *} >>> with vega_fluxd.set(cal): ... fluxd =, spectral_density_vega('SDSS_r')) ... print(fluxd) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP 3255.0 Jy References ---------- [Joh66] Johnson et al. 1966, Commun. Lunar Planet. Lab. 4, 99 [BM12] Bessell & Murphy 2012, PASP 124, 140-157 """ vega = Vega.from_default() # warn rather than raise exceptions so that code that uses # spectral_density_vega when it doesn't need it will still run. equiv = [] for unit in ['W/(m2 Hz)', 'W/(m2 um)']: try: try: fluxd0 = vega.observe(wfb, unit=unit) except SinglePointSpectrumError: fluxd0 = vega(wfb, unit=unit) # pass fluxd0 as an optional argument to dereference it, # otherwise both equivalencies will use the fluxd0 for # W/(m2 um) equiv.append(( fluxd0.unit, VEGA, lambda f_phys, fluxd0=fluxd0.value: f_phys / fluxd0, lambda f_vega, fluxd0=fluxd0.value: f_vega * fluxd0 )) except SynphotRequired: warn(OptionalPackageUnavailable( 'synphot is required for Vega-based magnitude conversions' ' with {}'.format(wfb))) except UndefinedSourceError: pass except u.UnitConversionError as e: warn(SbpyWarning(str(e))) return equiv
[docs]@u.quantity_input(cross_section='km2', reflectance='1/sr') def reflectance(wfb, cross_section=None, reflectance=None, **kwargs): """Reflectance related equivalencies. Supports conversion from/to reflectance and scattering cross-section to/from total flux or magnitude at 1 au for both heliocentric and observer distances. Uses `sbpy`'s photometric calibration system: `~sbpy.calib.solar_spectrum` and `~sbpy.calib.solar_fluxd`. Spectral flux density equivalencies for Vega are automatically used, if possible. Dimensionless logarithmic units are also supported if the corresponding solar value is set by `~sbpy.calib.solar_fluxd.set`. Parameters ---------- wfb : `astropy.units.Quantity`, `synphot.SpectralElement`, string Wavelength, frequency, or a bandpass corresponding to the flux density being converted. cross_section : `astropy.units.Qauntity`, optional Total scattering cross-section. One of `cross_section` or `reflectance` is required. reflectance : `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Average reflectance. One of `cross_section` or `reflectance` is required. **kwargs Keyword arguments for `~Sun.observe()`. Returns ------- equiv : list List of equivalencies Examples -------- Convertion between scattering cross-section and reflectance >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy import units as u >>> from sbpy.units import reflectance, VEGAmag, spectral_density_vega >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd, vega_fluxd >>> >>> solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77471503 * VEGAmag}) ... # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> vega_fluxd.set({'V': 3.5885e-08 * u.Unit('W / (m2 um)')}) ... # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> mag = 3.4 * VEGAmag >>> cross_sec = np.pi * (460 ***2 >>> ref ='1/sr', reflectance('V', cross_section=cross_sec)) >>> print('{0:.4f}'.format(ref)) 0.0287 1 / sr >>> mag1 =, reflectance('V', cross_section=cross_sec)) >>> print('{0:.2f}'.format(mag1)) 3.40 mag(VEGA) >>> # Convertion between magnitude and scattering cross-section >>> ref = 0.0287 / >>> cross_sec ='km2', reflectance('V', reflectance=ref)) >>> radius = np.sqrt(cross_sec/np.pi) >>> print('{0:.2f}'.format(radius)) 459.69 km >>> mag2 =, reflectance('V', reflectance=ref)) >>> print('{0:.2f}'.format(mag2)) 3.40 mag(VEGA) """ # Solar flux density at 1 au in different units f_sun = [] sun = Sun.from_default() for unit in ('W/(m2 um)', 'W/(m2 Hz)', VEGA): try: f_sun.append(sun.observe(wfb, unit=unit, **kwargs)) except SinglePointSpectrumError: f_sun.append(sun(wfb, unit=unit)) except (u.UnitConversionError, FilterLookupError): pass if len(f_sun) == 0: try: f_sun.append(sun.observe(wfb, **kwargs)) except (SinglePointSpectrumError, u.UnitConversionError, FilterLookupError): pass # pass fluxd0 as an optional argument to dereference it, # otherwise both equivalencies will use the fluxd0 for # the last item in f_sun equiv = [] if cross_section is not None: xsec ='au2').value for fluxd0 in f_sun: if fluxd0.unit in [u.mag, u.dB, u.dex]: equiv.append(( fluxd0.unit,**-1, lambda mag, mag0=fluxd0.value: u.Quantity(mag - mag0, fluxd0.unit).to('', u.logarithmic()).value / xsec, lambda ref, mag0=fluxd0.value: u.Quantity(ref * xsec).to( fluxd0.unit, u.logarithmic()).value + mag0 )) else: equiv.append(( fluxd0.unit,**-1, lambda fluxd, fluxd0=fluxd0.value: fluxd / (fluxd0 * xsec), lambda ref, fluxd0=fluxd0.value: ref * fluxd0 * xsec )) elif reflectance is not None: ref ='1/sr').value au2km = ('km')**2).value for fluxd0 in f_sun: if fluxd0.unit in [u.mag, u.dB, u.dex]: equiv.append(( fluxd0.unit,**2, lambda mag, mag0=fluxd0.value: u.Quantity(mag - mag0, fluxd0.unit).to('', u.logarithmic()).value / ref * au2km, lambda xsec, mag0=fluxd0.value: u.Quantity(ref * xsec / au2km).to(fluxd0.unit, u.logarithmic()).value + mag0 )) else: equiv.append(( fluxd0.unit,**2, lambda fluxd, fluxd0=fluxd0.value: ( fluxd / (fluxd0 * ref) * au2km), lambda xsec, fluxd0=fluxd0.value: ( fluxd0 * ref * xsec / au2km) )) return equiv
[docs]@sbd.dataclass_input @sbd.quantity_to_dataclass(eph=(sbd.Ephem, 'delta')) def projected_size(eph: sbd.Ephem): """Angular size and projected linear size equivalency. Based on the tangent formula: length = delta * tan(angle) Parameters ---------- eph : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, dict-like, `` Distance to the object as a quantity or the field `'delta'`. Returns ------- eqiv : list List of equivalencies Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> import sbpy.units as sbu >>> (1 * u.arcsec).to('km', sbu.projected_size(1 * ... # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [725.27094381] km> >>> (725.27 *'arcsec', sbu.projected_size(1 * ... # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [1.00] arcsec> """ delta = eph['delta'].to('m').value equiv = [( u.rad, u.m, lambda angle, delta=delta: delta * np.tan(angle), lambda length, delta=delta: np.arctan(length / delta) )] return equiv