Source code for

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
"""sbpy Data Decorators

Based on astropy's units decorator: `~astropy.units.quantity_input`.


__all__ = [

import inspect
from functools import wraps
from astropy.table import Table, QTable
from astropy.time import Time
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.units.decorators import _get_allowed_units, _validate_arg_value
from .core import DataClass, DataClassError
from . import Conf

[docs]def quantity_to_dataclass(**kwargs): """Decorator that converts astropy quantities to sbpy data classes. Use this decorator when your function is based on a single field in an sbpy ``. Examples -------- This function accepts `` objects, but only uses heliocentric distance: >>> import astropy.units as u >>> import as sbd >>> >>> @sbd.quantity_to_dataclass(eph=(sbd.Ephem, 'rh')) ... def temperature(eph): ... return 278 * u.K / (eph['rh'] /**0.5 >>> >>> print(temperature(1 * # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [278.] K >>> eph = sbd.Ephem.from_dict({'rh': 1 *}) >>> print(temperature(eph)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [278.] K This decorator also validates the dimensions of function parameters against the default dimensions as listed in the Field Name List ( Users can provide equivalencies through an optional parameter `equivalencies=` to be used in unit checking. Equivalencies for dimensionless angle and temperature are automatically enabled. A `~astropy.units.UnitsError` will be raised if the unit attribute of the argument is not equivalent to default unit. If the default dimension is not `None`, and the argument has no unit attribute, and i.e. it is not a Quantity object, a `ValueError` will be raised. """ equivalencies = kwargs.pop('equivalencies', []) def decorator(wrapped_function): decorator_kwargs = kwargs # for clarity # Extract the function signature for the function we are wrapping. wrapped_signature = inspect.signature(wrapped_function) @wraps(wrapped_function) def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs): # Bind the arguments of our new function to the signature # of the original. bound_args = wrapped_signature.bind(*func_args, **func_kwargs) for param in wrapped_signature.parameters.values(): # is this a parameter that we might want to replace? if not in decorator_kwargs: # no continue # bind relied on a default value if ( not in bound_args.arguments and param.default is not param.empty): bound_args.arguments[] = param.default # check passed argument, update as needed arg = bound_args.arguments[] # argument value is None, and the default value is # None, pass through the None if arg is None and param.default is None: continue # get requested DataClass and field name dataclass, field = None, None for v in decorator_kwargs[][:2]: if isinstance(v, str): field = v elif issubclass(v, DataClass): dataclass = v if any((dataclass is None, field is None)): raise ValueError( 'quantity_to_dataclass decorator requires a ' 'DataClass object and a field name as a string.') # check field name if field not in Conf.fieldname_idx: raise DataClassError("argument '{}' to function '{}' has" " an invalid field name '{}' for {}" " object".format(, wrapped_function.__name__, field, dataclass)) if not isinstance(arg, dataclass): # Argument is not a DataClass. Make it so. new_arg = dataclass.from_dict({field: arg}) bound_args.arguments[] = new_arg return wrapped_function(*bound_args.args, **bound_args.kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
class DataClassInput: @classmethod def as_decorator(cls, func=None, **kwargs): """Decorator that converts parameters to `DataClass`. sbpy methods use ``DataClass`` objects whenever possible. But for convenience, we may let users pass other objects that are internally converted: * dictionary, * file name, * `astropy.table.Table` or `~astropy.table.QTable`. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> import as sbd >>> >>> @sbd.dataclass_input(eph=sbd.Ephem) ... def myfunction(eph): ... return eph['rh']**2 * eph['delta']**2 >>> >>> dictionary = {'rh': 2 *, 'delta': 1 *} >>> print(myfunction(dictionary)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [4.0] AU4 >>> >>> from astropy.table import QTable >>> qtable = QTable([[2] *, [1] *], names=('rh', 'delta')) >>> print(myfunction(qtable)) # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP [4.0] AU4 Data classes may also be specified with function annotations: >>> import as sbd >>> >>> @sbd.dataclass_input ... def myfunction(eph: sbd.Ephem): ... return eph['rh']**2 * eph['delta']**2 """ self = cls(**kwargs) if func is not None and not kwargs: return self(func) else: return self def __init__(self, func=None, **kwargs): self.decorator_kwargs = kwargs def __call__(self, wrapped_function): # Extract the function signature for the function we are # wrapping. wrapped_signature = inspect.signature(wrapped_function) @wraps(wrapped_function) def wrapper(*func_args, **func_kwargs): # Bind the arguments of our new function to the signature # of the original. bound_args = wrapped_signature.bind(*func_args, **func_kwargs) for param in wrapped_signature.parameters.values(): # is this a parameter that we might want to replace? if in self.decorator_kwargs: target = self.decorator_kwargs[] else: target = param.annotation # not in decorator_kwargs and not annotated if target is inspect.Parameter.empty: continue # bind relied on a default value if ( not in bound_args.arguments and param.default is not param.empty): bound_args.arguments[] = param.default arg = bound_args.arguments[] # argument value is None, and the default value is # None, pass through the None if arg is None and param.default is None: continue # not a DataClass? carry on. try: if issubclass(target, DataClass): dataclass = target else: continue except TypeError: continue # check passed argument, update as needed if isinstance(arg, dict): new_arg = dataclass.from_dict(arg) elif isinstance(arg, (Table, QTable)): new_arg = dataclass.from_table(arg) elif isinstance(arg, str): new_arg = dataclass.from_file(arg) else: continue bound_args.arguments[] = new_arg return wrapped_function(*bound_args.args, **bound_args.kwargs) return wrapper dataclass_input = DataClassInput.as_decorator