Source code for sbpy.photometry.iau

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
sbpy photometry module
IAU HG series phase function

created on July, 2022


__all__ = ['HG', 'HG12', 'HG1G2', 'HG12_Pen16']

__doctest_requires__ = {
    "HG*": ["scipy"],

import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling import Parameter
import astropy.units as u
from .core import DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc, InvalidPhaseFunctionWarning
from ..bib import cite

# define the bounds of various model parameters
_hg_g_bounds = [-0.253, 1.194]
_hg1g2_g1_bounds = [0, 1]
_hg1g2_g2_bounds = [0, 1]
_hg12_g12_bounds = [-0.0818919, 0.909714]
_hg12_pen16_g12_bounds = [0, 1]

def _check_bounds(value, bounds, exception, msg=''):
    """Check if all `value` is within `bounds`

    value : number, number array
        Value to be checked
    bounds : 2-element array-like representing [lower, upper]
        Bounds for value.  Lower or upper could be None, representing
        no bounds.
    exception : Warning or Exception
        If out of bounds, issue a warning or exception.
    msg : str, optional
        Exception or warning string
    value = np.asanyarray(value)
    if ((bounds[0] is not None and (value < bounds[0]).any())
        or (bounds[1] is not None and (value > bounds[1]).any())):
        if issubclass(exception, Warning):
            warnings.warn(msg, exception)
        elif issubclass(exception, Exception):
            raise exception(msg)

class _spline(object):

    """Cubic spline class

    Spline function is defined by function values at nodes and the first
    derivatives at both ends.  Outside the range of nodes, the extrapolations
    are linear based on the first derivatives at the corresponding ends.

    def __init__(self, x, y, dy):
        Spline initialization

        x, y : array_like float
            The (x, y) values at nodes that defines the spline
        dy : array_like float with two elements
            The first derivatives of the left and right ends of the nodes
        from numpy.linalg import solve
        from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial
        self.x = np.asarray(x)
        self.y = np.asarray(y)
        self.dy = np.asarray(dy)
        n = len(self.y)
        h = self.x[1:]-self.x[:-1]
        r = (self.y[1:]-self.y[:-1])/(self.x[1:]-self.x[:-1])
        B = np.zeros((n-2, n))
        for i in range(n-2):
            k = i+1
            B[i, i:i+3] = [h[k], 2*(h[k-1]+h[k]), h[k-1]]
        C = np.empty((n-2, 1))
        for i in range(n-2):
            k = i+1
            C[i] = 3*(r[k-1]*h[k]+r[k]*h[k-1])
        C[0] = C[0]-self.dy[0]*B[0, 0]
        C[-1] = C[-1]-self.dy[1]*B[-1, -1]
        B = B[:, 1:n-1]
        dys = solve(B, C)
        dys = np.array(
            [self.dy[0]] + [tmp for tmp in dys.flatten()] + [self.dy[1]])
        A0 = self.y[:-1]
        A1 = dys[:-1]
        A2 = (3*r-2*dys[:-1]-dys[1:])/h
        A3 = (-2*r+dys[:-1]+dys[1:])/h**2
        self.coef = np.array([A0, A1, A2, A3]).T
        self.polys = [Polynomial(c) for c in self.coef]
        self.polys.insert(0, Polynomial(
            [self.y[0]-self.x[0]*self.dy[0], self.dy[0]]))
            [self.y[-1]-self.x[-1]*self.dy[-1], self.dy[-1]]))

    def __call__(self, x):
        x = np.asarray(x)
        out = np.zeros_like(x)
        idx = x < self.x[0]
        if idx.any():
            out[idx] = self.polys[0](x[idx])
        for i in range(len(self.x)-1):
            idx = (self.x[i] <= x) & (x < self.x[i+1])
            if idx.any():
                out[idx] = self.polys[i+1](x[idx]-self.x[i])
        idx = (x >= self.x[-1])
        if idx.any():
            out[idx] = self.polys[-1](x[idx])
        return out

[docs] class HG(DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc): """HG photometric phase model (Bowell et al. 1989) Examples -------- >>> # Define the phase function for Ceres with H = 3.34, G = 0.12 >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG >>> ceres = HG(3.34 * u.mag, 0.12, radius = 480 *, wfb = 'V') >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... print('geometric albedo = {0:.4f}'.format(ceres.geomalb)) ... print('phase integral = {0:.4f}'.format(ceres.phaseint)) geometric albedo = 0.0878 phase integral = 0.3644 """ _unit = 'mag' H = Parameter(description='H parameter', default=8) G = Parameter(description='G parameter', default=0.4, bounds=_hg_g_bounds) @cite({'definition': '1989aste.conf..524B'}) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @G.validator def G(self, value): _check_bounds(value, _hg_g_bounds, InvalidPhaseFunctionWarning, 'G parameter could result in an invalid phase function') @staticmethod def _hgphi(pha, i): """Core function in IAU HG phase function model Parameters ---------- pha : float or array_like of float Phase angle i : int in [1, 2] Choose the form of function Returns ------- numpy array of float Note ---- See Bowell et al. (1989), Eq. A4. """ if i not in [1, 2]: raise ValueError('i needs to be 1 or 2, {0} received'.format(i)) a, b, c = [3.332, 1.862], [0.631, 1.218], [0.986, 0.238] pha_half = pha*0.5 sin_pha = np.sin(pha) tan_pha_half = np.tan(pha_half) w = np.exp(-90.56 * tan_pha_half * tan_pha_half) phiis = 1 - c[i-1]*sin_pha/(0.119+1.341*sin_pha - 0.754*sin_pha*sin_pha) phiil = np.exp(-a[i-1] * tan_pha_half**b[i-1]) return w*phiis + (1-w)*phiil
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(pha, hh, gg): func = (1-gg)*HG._hgphi(pha, 1)+gg*HG._hgphi(pha, 2) if isinstance(func, u.Quantity): func = func.value func = -2.5 * np.log10(func) if isinstance(hh, u.Quantity): func = func * hh.unit return hh + func
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_deriv(pha, hh, gg): if hasattr(pha, '__iter__'): ddh = np.ones_like(pha) else: ddh = 1. phi1 = HG._hgphi(pha, 1) phi2 = HG._hgphi(pha, 2) ddg = 1.085736205*(phi1-phi2)/((1-gg)*phi1+gg*phi2) return [ddh, ddg]
def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return OrderedDict([('H', outputs_unit['y']), ('G', u.dimensionless_unscaled)])
class HG12BaseClass(DiskIntegratedPhaseFunc): """Base class for IAU HG1G2 model and HG12 model""" _unit = 'mag' @cite({'definition': '2010Icar..209..542M'}) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def _G1(self): return None @property def _G2(self): return None @property def phaseint(self): """Phase integral, q Based on Muinonen et al. (2010) Eq. 22 """ return 0.009082+0.4061*self._G1+0.8092*self._G2 @property def phasecoeff(self): """Phase coefficient, k Based on Muinonen et al. (2010) Eq. 23 """ return -(30*self._G1+9*self._G2)/(5*np.pi*float(self._G1+self._G2)) @property def oe_amp(self): """Opposition effect amplitude, :math:`\zeta-1` Based on Muinonen et al. (2010) Eq. 24) """ tmp = float(self._G1+self._G2) return (1-tmp)/tmp class _spline_positive(_spline): """ Define a spline class that clips negative function values """ def __call__(self, x): y = super().__call__(x) if hasattr(y, '__iter__'): y[y < 0] = 0 else: if y < 0: y = 0 return y _phi1v = (np.deg2rad([7.5, 30., 60, 90, 120, 150]), [7.5e-1, 3.3486016e-1, 1.3410560e-1, 5.1104756e-2, 2.1465687e-2, 3.6396989e-3], [-1.9098593, -9.1328612e-2]) _phi1 = _spline_positive(*_phi1v) _phi2v = (np.deg2rad([7.5, 30., 60, 90, 120, 150]), [9.25e-1, 6.2884169e-1, 3.1755495e-1, 1.2716367e-1, 2.2373903e-2, 1.6505689e-4], [-5.7295780e-1, -8.6573138e-8]) _phi2 = _spline_positive(*_phi2v) _phi3v = (np.deg2rad([0.0, 0.3, 1., 2., 4., 8., 12., 20., 30.]), [1., 8.3381185e-1, 5.7735424e-1, 4.2144772e-1, 2.3174230e-1, 1.0348178e-1, 6.1733473e-2, 1.6107006e-2, 0.], [-1.0630097, 0]) _phi3 = _spline_positive(*_phi3v)
[docs] class HG1G2(HG12BaseClass): """HG1G2 photometric phase model (Muinonen et al. 2010) Examples -------- >>> # Define the phase function for Themis with >>> # H = 7.063, G1 = 0.62, G2 = 0.14 >>> >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG1G2 >>> themis = HG1G2(7.063 * u.mag, 0.62, 0.14, radius = 100 *, ... wfb = 'V') >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... print('geometric albedo = {0:.4f}'.format(themis.geomalb)) ... print('phase integral = {0:.4f}'.format(themis.phaseint)) geometric albedo = 0.0656 phase integral = 0.3742 """ H = Parameter(description='H parameter', default=8) G1 = Parameter(description='G1 parameter', default=0.2, bounds=_hg1g2_g1_bounds) G2 = Parameter(description='G2 parameter', default=0.2, bounds=_hg1g2_g2_bounds) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): ineqcons = kwargs.pop('ineqcons', []) ineqcons.append(lambda x, *args: 1 - x[1] - x[2]) super().__init__(*args, ineqcons=ineqcons, **kwargs) @G1.validator def G1(self, value): _check_bounds(value, _hg1g2_g1_bounds, InvalidPhaseFunctionWarning, 'G1 results in an invalid phase function.') if (value + self.G2 > 1).any(): warnings.warn('G1, G2 combination results in an invalid ' 'phase function.') @G2.validator def G2(self, value): _check_bounds(value, _hg1g2_g2_bounds, InvalidPhaseFunctionWarning, 'G2 results in an invalid phase function.') if (value + self.G1 > 1).any(): warnings.warn('G1, G2 combination results in an invalid ' 'phase function.') @property def _G1(self): return self.G1.value @property def _G2(self): return self.G2.value
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(ph, h, g1, g2): ph = u.Quantity(ph, 'rad').to_value('rad') func = g1*HG1G2._phi1(ph)+g2*HG1G2._phi2(ph)+(1-g1-g2)*HG1G2._phi3(ph) if isinstance(func, u.Quantity): func = func.value func = -2.5 * np.log10(func) if isinstance(h, u.Quantity): func = func * h.unit return h + func
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_deriv(ph, h, g1, g2): if hasattr(ph, '__iter__'): ddh = np.ones_like(ph) else: ddh = 1. phi1 = HG1G2._phi1(ph) phi2 = HG1G2._phi2(ph) phi3 = HG1G2._phi3(ph) dom = (g1*phi1+g2*phi2+(1-g1-g2)*phi3) ddg1 = 1.085736205*(phi3-phi1)/dom ddg2 = 1.085736205*(phi3-phi2)/dom return [ddh, ddg1, ddg2]
def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return OrderedDict([('H', outputs_unit['y']), ('G1', u.dimensionless_unscaled), ('G2', u.dimensionless_unscaled)])
[docs] class HG12(HG12BaseClass): """HG12 photometric phase model (Muinonen et al. 2010) This system is adopted by IAU as the "standard" model for disk-integrated phase functions of planetary objects. Note that there is a discontinuity in the derivative for parameter G12, sometimes making the model fitting difficult. Penttil\"a et al. (2016, Planet. Space Sci. 123, 117-125) revised the H, G12 system such that the G12 parameter has a continuous derivative. The revised model is implemented in class `G12_Pen16`. Examples -------- >>> # Define the phase function for Themis with >>> # H = 7.121, G12 = 0.68 >>> >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG12 >>> themis = HG12(7.121 * u.mag, 0.68, radius = 100 *, wfb = 'V') >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... print('geometric albedo = {0:.4f}'.format(themis.geomalb)) ... print('phase integral = {0:.4f}'.format(themis.phaseint)) geometric albedo = 0.0622 phase integral = 0.3949 """ H = Parameter(description='H parameter', default=8) G12 = Parameter(description='G12 parameter', default=0.3, bounds=_hg12_g12_bounds) @G12.validator def G12(self, value): _check_bounds(value, _hg12_g12_bounds, InvalidPhaseFunctionWarning, 'G12 parameter could result in an invalid phase function') @property def _G1(self): return self._G12_to_G1(self.G12.value) @property def _G2(self): return self._G12_to_G2(self.G12.value) @staticmethod def _G12_to_G1(g12): """Calculate G1 from G12""" if g12 < 0.2: return 0.7527*g12+0.06164 else: return 0.9529*g12+0.02162 @staticmethod def _G12_to_G2(g12): """Calculate G2 from G12""" if g12 < 0.2: return -0.9612*g12+0.6270 else: return -0.6125*g12+0.5572
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(ph, h, g12): g1 = HG12._G12_to_G1(g12) g2 = HG12._G12_to_G2(g12) return HG1G2.evaluate(ph, h, g1, g2)
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_deriv(ph, h, g12): if hasattr(ph, '__iter__'): ddh = np.ones_like(ph) else: ddh = 1. g1 = HG12._G12_to_G1(g12) g2 = HG12._G12_to_G2(g12) phi1 = HG1G2._phi1(ph) phi2 = HG1G2._phi2(ph) phi3 = HG1G2._phi3(ph) dom = (g1*phi1+g2*phi2+(1-g1-g2)*phi3) if g12 < 0.2: p1 = 0.7527 p2 = -0.9612 else: p1 = 0.9529 p2 = -0.6125 ddg = 1.085736205*((phi3-phi1)*p1+(phi3-phi2)*p2)/dom return [ddh, ddg]
def _parameter_units_for_data_units(self, inputs_unit, outputs_unit): return OrderedDict([('H', outputs_unit['y']), ('G12', u.dimensionless_unscaled)])
[docs] class HG12_Pen16(HG12): """Revised H, G12 model by Penttil\"a et al. (2016) This system is the revised H, G12 system by Penttil\"a et al. (2016, Planet. Space Sci. 123, 117-125) that has a continuous derivative with respect to parameter G12. The original model as adopted by IAU as the "standard" model for disk-integrated phase functions of planetary objects is implemented in class `HG12`. Examples -------- >>> # Define the phase function for Themis with >>> # H = 7.121, G12 = 0.68 >>> >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sbpy.calib import solar_fluxd >>> from sbpy.photometry import HG12_Pen16 >>> themis = HG12_Pen16(7.121 * u.mag, 0.68, radius = 100 *, ... wfb = 'V') >>> with solar_fluxd.set({'V': -26.77 * u.mag}): ... print('geometric albedo = {0:.4f}'.format(themis.geomalb)) ... print('phase integral = {0:.4f}'.format(themis.phaseint)) geometric albedo = 0.0622 phase integral = 0.3804 """ G12 = Parameter(description='G12 parameter', default=0.3, bounds=_hg12_pen16_g12_bounds) @G12.validator def G12(self, value): _check_bounds(value, _hg12_pen16_g12_bounds, InvalidPhaseFunctionWarning, 'G12 parameter could result in an invalid phsae function') @cite({'definition': '2016P&SS..123..117P'}) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) @staticmethod def _G12_to_G1(g12): """Calculate G1 from G12""" return 0.84293649*g12 @staticmethod def _G12_to_G2(g12): """Calculate G2 from G12""" return 0.53513350*(1-g12)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(ph, h, g12): g1 = HG12_Pen16._G12_to_G1(g12) g2 = HG12_Pen16._G12_to_G2(g12) return HG1G2.evaluate(ph, h, g1, g2)
[docs] @staticmethod def fit_deriv(ph, h, g12): if hasattr(ph, '__iter__'): ddh = np.ones_like(ph) else: ddh = 1. g1 = HG12_Pen16._G12_to_G1(g12) g2 = HG12_Pen16._G12_to_G2(g12) phi1 = HG1G2._phi1(ph) phi2 = HG1G2._phi2(ph) phi3 = HG1G2._phi3(ph) dom = (g1*phi1+g2*phi2+(1-g1-g2)*phi3) p1 = 0.84293649 p2 = -0.53513350 ddg = 1.085736205*((phi3-phi1)*p1+(phi3-phi2)*p2)/dom return [ddh, ddg]